#JointDeclarationSigning || Philippine Agriculture Secretary William Dar and Ambassador of the French Republic to the Philippines Michèle Boccoz signed, on January 17, 2022, a Joint Declaration affirming the two countries’ intentions for the development of the Philippine dairy sector.
During the event, Dar and Boccoz discussed public policies and support areas between the two countries geared to improve and further strengthen partnerships for the development of the agriculture sector.
In his message, Dar sought assistance from the French Republic, particularly for available vaccine that may assist the Philippine government’s fight with the African Swine Fever (ASF), which continues to wreck havoc on the local industry.
According to the Secretary, unscrupulous traders who continue to sell infected pigs, have caused the unceasing spread of ASF.
However, the agri chief assured that the Department of Agriculture maintains to strengthen the implementation of the repopulation program covering the restructuring of backyard and breeder based industry.
The secretary is also looking forward to the enhanced implementation of agreed projects between the Philippines and France and ensured that agencies concerned will continue to maintain an open line with its French counterparts.