Taking off from last year’s assessment, the National Livestock Program convened all DA Regional Field Offices throughout the country last May 30-June 3, 2022 for a 5-day mid-year assessment and workshop of each region’s targets and accomplishments status, and the presentation of production plans. Hosted by RFO IVB, the said event was held in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Together, the RFOs and the NLP brainstormed how to tackle emerging challenges that currently beset the livestock industry, and devised strategies on how to fine-tune current practices that may need improvement. With a chock-full of energy and enthusiasm, the assessment cum workshop concluded on a high note.

To cap the event off, a series of seminars were held to help paint a picture of the state of the livestock industry, with particular highlights on the swine industry. The topics include 2020 Swine Production Performance of the Philippines, ASF Status and Assessment: A View from the Field, and Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation Program.

Instantaneously, the NLP Executive Committee, called to order by the Undersecretary for LIvestock, had their Executive Committee Meeting to also discuss pressing matters that needed attention and immediate action.